We’ve all been there – whether we’re talking about a crazy Saturday night or a Netflix, chill, and wine type of day. So how to deal with a hangover – on an empty stomach?
Stay tuned, we got some pretty good ideas on how to cure your hangover, or more likely – to calm down your stomach while still giving it all the food, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

And don’t worry, we know that it truly is hard to start a day with a hangover, but sometimes, you just need to be strong and go with your everyday life and tasks. And in the name of that, cheers to the perfect hangover breakfast ideas! Too soon for such a joke? It’ll be funny someday, just wait!
We have some pretty great ideas for a hangover breakfast – snacks, meals, and drinks!
Quick Snacks & Ingredients To The Rescue
When looking for food ideas to cure your hangover or just to ease up your suffering, there are a couple of ingredients that will certainly help you out a bit. Especially if the hangover is so bad you just really need a quick pick-me-up food and snack.
- Bananas. Besides the fact that they are full of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B (and when you consume alcohol, your body lack the minerals), bananas are proven to reduce hangover symptoms by 50%! Now, doesn’t that sound promising?

- Ginger is a spicy ingredient that has many benefits for your body. It also settles your stomach and reduces nausea.
- Eggs. And we know, it is hard to imagine eating them while feeling bad, right? But despite that, try them – scrambled, boiled, or fried, it doesn’t matter. They are rich in proteins so they will reduce nausea and boost your level of serotonin.
- Watermelon will help you with dehydration and increase blood flow. Plus, you’ll be rehydrated due to its high water.

- Pickles are high in sodium so they will help to boost your sodium levels. And of course – overcome that nasty hangover.
- Nuts have high magnesium content. Thanks to that, they may be your perfect match for curing a hangover.
- Avodaco can help you with raising low potassium levels caused by dehydration and alcohol consumption.
- Oatmeal will help with hangover symptoms thanks to its complex carbohydrates.
- Since it contains a high level of magnesium, spinach will reduce the impact of the hangover and help your body to process the alcohol.

- Oranges. Vitamin C. Enough said.
- Salmon will decrease the inflammation in your body. Thanks to that, your hangover symptoms will be a bit easier to deal with.
- Asparagus is rich in amino acids and minerals so it will ease up your hangover struggles.
These are just a couple of ingredients that are rich in vitamins and minerals, and due to that, their consumption will help you fight those nasty hangover worries.
Hangover Meals
It is great to know which food ingredients are great as help-my-hangover snacks, but are there any specific recipes you can actually prepare? Absolutely. We have 14 delicious meal ideas which present some of the best breakfasts after a drinking night. And no worries – they are really easy to prepare. We’re familiar with the symptoms so we don’t want to make your life more complicated!
Fried Eggs
Fried eggs, simple as that. Make them according to your preferences with enough seasonings. Of course, you can always add bacon too.

Scrambled Eggs
Another egg variation. Scrambled eggs will provide your body with the energy you need. This is quite a good breakfast for a hangover. Add bacon and vegetables too.
Tofu Tortillas
This is a great vegan hangover breakfast. Mix your favorite vegetables with tofu (if you’re not a vegan, you can add eggs instead of tofu) and place the mixture onto the chips. Yummy!
Big, Fluffy Pancakes
Sometimes, you just need sweet and fluffy pancakes to fight away all the not-so-great symptoms of an actually great night before. Add some blueberries too and you’re good to go.

Fried Cheese Sticks
Take a cheese (we recommend a Brazilian cheese called Queijo coalho), place it on the stick and fry it on the hot pan.
Fruit Salad
Fruit is a great breakfast to cure a hangover! Use oranges, bananas, apples, grapes, pears, and mangos, make a nice fruit salad, and enjoy the flavors that will fight your nasty symptoms from last night.
Avocado Toast
The green avocado spread over the toast is a simple and easy-to-do breakfast that will help with the potassium level in your body and give you the necessary hydration.

Omelet With Berries
Prepare sweet eggs with cinnamon, cottage cheese, and fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Quite yummy! Oh, and quite a good hangover medicine!
Banana Pancakes
Fluffy pancakes with bananas? We’re in. Banana pancakes will give you the perfect energy boost to start your day right. With minimal hangover symptoms.
Omelet With Vegetables
As you can probably see, eggs are certainly one of the best ingredients for a hangover breakfast. This time, try to make them with vegetables. Your body will be thankful!
Toast With Mushrooms
Mushrooms are rich in selenium and thanks to that, they have amazing antioxidant powers. Make a nice mushroom spread on the toast, and all your worries will go away.
Banana & Oat Muffins
The combination of bananas and oat will give you the natural energy, keep you hydrated, and be a delicious breakfast and cure. Oh, and they are combined in muffins. Enough said.
Oatmeal With Fruits
Oatmeal is loaded with minerals and vitamins, and in the combination with fruit (choose according to your preferences), it is a winning match.

Toasted Cheese Sandwich
Simple and easy to do, a toasted cheese sandwich is sometimes all you need to get rid of the hangover symptoms and enjoy your day with a lighter note.
Liquid Saviors
Sometimes, your body needs a different type of breakfast – in a liquid form. Some of us really can’t eat during the hangover so drinks, juices, and smoothies will be a good breakfast alternative in case you’re more of a liquid person. And it will prepare your stomach for a more rich lunch. So we gathered 14 breakfast drinks which will ease up your hangover.
Is this a good breakfast? Well, it surely is the most simplest one. And drinking plenty of water is a great way to fight the hangover.
Coconut Water
This is a great hangover cure! Coconut water is rich in natural sugar and potassium and it is often referred to as the ultimate cure for your last night adventures.
Coffee may not be the best breakfast after a night of drinking, BUT the caffeine will prevent making your symptoms go worse.
Green Tea
Many studies prove that green tea can help reduce common hangover symptoms such as headaches and nausea.

Tomato Juice
Tomato juice is often used to fight hangover symptoms however, this juice will minimally decrease your troubles. But hey, better that than nothing at all, right?
Orange Juice
Orange juice contains vitamin C, fructose, minerals, and water. Consume it cold and you’ll feel better. Not the best. But better.

Carrot-Ginger-Apple Juice
Combine carrot, ginger, and apple into a nice, healthy, and cold juice. All these ingredients come with a palette of healthy benefits for your body and they will definitely ease up your hangover nightmares.
Ginger Lemon Tea
Ginger tea with lemon will settle down your stomach, just in time for lunch. Now, how perfect is that?
Lemon Water
Lemon water is a tasty drink that will help you with dehydration. Also, antioxidants and vitamin C will ease up the other symptoms too. Just make sure to use enough lemon in the preparation of the drink.
Coconut Green Smoothie
The combination of coconut water, banana, blueberries, spinach, greens, and nut butter creates a true hangover cure.
Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice has minerals and vitamins that will help reduce the high levels of inflammation caused by your night of drinking. Also, it is tasty, so what more to ask for.

Orange & Ginger Smoothie
And once again, we have ginger. The combination of ginger and orange will help you with hydration, headache, and nausea.
Fruit-Cacao Smoothie
Combine cacao powder with avocado, beetroot, apple, ginger, and honey, and detox your body from alcohol. This smoothie will reset you.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is a calming and relaxing ingredient. It will help with your stomach and headache. Just relax your body and mind.
Why Have Breakfast After A Wild Night?
After having an interesting night which included consuming alcohol, it is important to fight the hangover in the right way. First, rehydration is certainly the most important part of feeling better during hangover symptoms such as headache, nausea, and stomachache. If you’re not a fan of a classic “food breakfast”, go with a liquid variation such as water (I know, quite simple, right), lemon tea, or coconut water. Ginger tea (or perhaps a ginger candy) will help you calm down your stomach. Try smoothies and teas too.
When it comes to breakfasts, we know that sometimes is really hard to eat, especially to prepare something worthy of your time. But try not to avoid eating. Alcohol, besides dehydration, lowers down your blood sugar. So it is important to bring the sugar back up to a normal scale – by eating carbs, proteins, and/or healthy fats.

Fighting the hangover makes your stomach bad so it truly is hard to eat. However, go with a simple diet and meals. Besides enjoying all the benefits of simple drinks and smoothies (they do count like breakfast when speaking of a hangover), try to prepare some meal that will help you get on the right track. Eggs, vegetables, and fruit can be combined in numerous meals, food ideas, and above all – delicious breakfast food for a hangover. Omelet, toast, sandwiches, salads, muffins, pancakes, and more, combined with, of course, the right ingredients, will give you enough vitamins and minerals and ease up the hangover symptoms.
The recipes we mentioned require minimal ingredients, as well as minimal preparation time which is great for such a hard morning. Besides, those meals are tasty and delicious so is there a better way to fight the hangover and forget those nasty symptoms (while having memories of a great night before)? Absolutely not! But just be sure not to have too many hangover mornings.
To Wrap It Up
In this article, we gathered ALL breakfast ideas – from liquids to food because we know that some people don’t have the habit of eating in the morning or are having trouble with food while having a hungover. Due to that, we talked about ingredients that can be consumed as snacks, classic meals, juices, and smoothies so all you hangover babes can find something perfect for your hangover troubles.
However, have in mind that there is no cure for hangovers that will make all the symptoms disappear. But there are ways to ease up those hours of torture caused by your night out (or in). A good hangover breakfast is the one that will calm your stomach, lower the level of nausea, and stop the headache.
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