Almond Milk And Diarrhea – Does It Cause Digestive Problems?

Almond milk is a healthy drink that quickly becomes a staple in many households. It’s a great substitution for dairy products.

However, you may wonder can almond milk give you diarrhea or cause other digestive problems. In this article, you’ll learn more about this topic, how to prevent it and whether should you completely give up almond milk.

Let’s find out.

About Almond Milk

This is plant milk with a watery texture and nutty flavor. It’s a nutritious drink manufactured from almonds that have become very popular over the last few years.
Almond milk is light in flavor so many people find it more palatable than other dairy substitutes.

You can use it in coffee, oatmeal and baking recipes. Here are some health benefits of almond milk.

almonds and almond milk

Almond milk contains (in 3.5-ounce/100 grams) 15 calories, 0.3 grams of fiber, 0.6 grams of sugar, 1.2 grams of fat, vitamins A, E, D, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Keep in mind that most manufacturers add vitamins and minerals to almond milk which is great for dairy-free consumers.

Almond Milk Health Benefits

  • Boasts a diverse nutritional profile – The unflavored type is relatively low in calories when compared with other plant-based milk alternatives. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals as well.
  • Supports weight loss – Because of its low-calorie content, almond milk is a great choice for people who want to lose some weight. But, be careful, many commercial varieties are sweetened, so read the nutritional label and list of ingredients before buying.
  • Low in carbs – It is naturally low in carbs, so you can easily manage blood sugar levels. That’s very important for people who live with diabetes since they need to monitor the amount and quality of carbs.
  • Source of vitamin E – This milk contains 22% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps combat inflammation and stress.
  • Source of calcium – As we mentioned above, many manufacturers add calcium to almond milk. Calcium plays an important role in the growth and maintenance of strong bones.
  • strong woman

  • Naturally lactose-free – That makes it a great alternative for people who struggle with lactose intolerance. Meaning, that almond milk allows you to enjoy food that usually contains dairy.
  • Promotes healthy skin – If you are concerned about acne, almond milk is a better alternative than cow milk. That’s because of vitamin E.
  • Supports a healthy heart – It reduces the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, which include heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Can Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea?

Shortly, yes, almond milk can cause diarrhea and make you poop. It is worth knowing the reason behind that effect.

You don’t have to give up almond milk completely. It only occurs when you drink too much of this milk. As we said before, almond milk contains water, fiber and magnesium that make bowel movement easier.

That means, when consumed in large quantities, this annoying digestive issue can occur. Almond milk is a natural laxative because of its fiber content.

man drinking almond milk

Ingesting more than two glasses of almond milk per day can cause diarrhea. It is a normal side-effect if you drink too much almond milk. However, it isn’t normal if you drink a tiny amount of this milk and have diarrhea.

On the other hand, if you struggle with constipation, almond milk can be helpful, because it will soften hard stool and regulate bowel movements.

What To Do If Almond Milk Makes You Poop?

It’s simple, you should limit your daily consumption of almond milk.

However, if almond milk causes diarrhea, you should stop drinking it and replace it with solid food. If you don’t stop drinking it, almond milk will overburden your digestive system.

Can Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea In Babies?

Most doctors in the USA recommend that babies under the age of one drink breast milk. If it isn’t available, then they should drink dairy- or soy-based infant formula. Mostly, toddlers can drink almond milk, but it shouldn’t be substituted for breast milk (or newborn formula).

a baby with blue eyes

It is the same as in adults, if children drink too much almond milk, that will cause diarrhea. According to experts, almond milk should be introduced after the baby’s first birthday.

Is It The Same With Expired, Chocolate, Silk And Unsweetened Almond Milk?

Well, you shouldn’t drink any expired milk, whether is it almond, soya- or oat-based milk. It isn’t safe for you and will definitely cause some stomach issues and diarrhea.

When it comes to chocolate, unsweetened and silk almond milk, there is one answer. Yes, all three variants will cause diarrhea if you drink more than two glasses per day. All these variants contain fiber, magnesium and water that will affect bowel movement and cause diarrhea.

Other Side Effects Of Drinking Almond Milk

Despite all almond milk’s benefits, it had a few drawbacks. The most common side effect is stomach troubles (not related to diarrhea).
That’s because of an additive called carrageenan. Many manufacturers add additives, such as sugar, salt, gum, and flavor and carrageenan is an additive that causes GI distress.
It also happens to be indigestible and can disrupt gut health, cause inflammation and other negative effects.

There are some other side effects of almond milk:

  • Tree nut allergy – People with this allergy can have severe side effects after consuming almond milk. They could range from mild hives to severe choking.
  • allergic woman

  • Thyroid problems – Since almonds are goitrogenic and contain substances that irritate your thyroid glands, you should avoid them in large quantities.
  • Abdominal pain and bloating – Interestingly, people with lactose intolerance can show similar symptoms after consuming almond milk.
  • Spiked Sugar Levels – Natural almond milk doesn’t contain sugar, but commercial does. This can lead to a sudden spike in sugar levels right after consuming almond milk.

Of course, we don’t want to convince you that almond milk is bad for you, but there are some things you should keep in your mind.

Best Substitutes For Almond Milk

If your system doesn’t accept almond milk well, there is plenty of almond milk substitutes out there to try. Opt for non-dairy milk like coconut, soy, oat, hemp, cashew or rice milk. They will provide similar flavor, texture and nutrition.

Whether you want to use these alternatives for baking, drinking or cooking, think about the underlying factors of each milk option (amount of protein, carbs, fat content and sugar) and how they will affect the result and your preferences.

If there’s no better option for you than almond milk, maybe you should try to do it by yourself, so check our recipe!

How To Make Almond Milk At Home?

Since commercial almond milk can contain a lot of sugar, added flavor, salt and gum, it’s best to make your own almond milk at home. And it’s pretty simple. Check out the recipe!

Avatar photoAuthorIvanaDifficultyBeginner

Yields8 Servings

 1 cup raw almonds
 4 cups filtered water
 1 tsp vanilla extract
 1 tbsp honey
 sea salt


Add almonds to a bowl and cover with enough water to submerge. Soak for 6-8 hours or overnight.


In the morning, drain almonds from their soaking water and rinse them in a colander.


Add soaked almonds and 4 cups of fresh filtered water to a high-powered blender. Add in vanilla, honey and salt.


Blend on high speed for 1 minute, adding 30 seconds more if you feel it necessary to blend.


Place your nut milk bag over a large bowl or pitcher. Pour the almond milk into the bag and strain the liquid into the bowl, using your hands to wring out all of the milk.


Pour the almond milk from the bowl into glass jars. Almond milk will keep in the fridge for up to a week.


 1 cup raw almonds
 4 cups filtered water
 1 tsp vanilla extract
 1 tbsp honey
 sea salt



Add almonds to a bowl and cover with enough water to submerge. Soak for 6-8 hours or overnight.


In the morning, drain almonds from their soaking water and rinse them in a colander.


Add soaked almonds and 4 cups of fresh filtered water to a high-powered blender. Add in vanilla, honey and salt.


Blend on high speed for 1 minute, adding 30 seconds more if you feel it necessary to blend.


Place your nut milk bag over a large bowl or pitcher. Pour the almond milk into the bag and strain the liquid into the bowl, using your hands to wring out all of the milk.


Pour the almond milk from the bowl into glass jars. Almond milk will keep in the fridge for up to a week.

Homemade Almond Milk

To Wrap It Up

Replacing cow milk with almond milk can have some side effects. For example, almond milk gives diarrhea to some people, which can be very dangerous for them. Therefore, if you want to avoid digestive issues, consume it always in moderation, that’s a gold rule. Also, contact your doctor and discuss the possible complications.

Ivana is always desirable for adventures so she was working in restaurants on the Croatian coast, participated in Caffe barista tournaments, led a gardening business, and more. She is a healthy food enthusiast, prefers vegetarianism, and practices yoga. In her free time, she likes to study ancient Buddhist scriptures as well as psychology.