Does Corn Help With Constipation (Will It Make You Poop Finally)?

Constipation may be unpleasant health issue so you are desperately searching for groceries that may help you. The internet is full of conflicting advice about corn and its benefits so it seems as a good solution.

Well, corn is widespread food that has many health benefits. But does corn help with constipation?

If it does, how much do you need to eat? How to prepare it? Find out all about it here.

What Exactly Is Constipation?

First, let’s define what constipation is. This term refers to the condition when you do not pass stool as often as you normally do. The stool may become hard and dry and that makes it difficult to pass.

You might feel bloated and have pain.


Some symptoms are fewer than three bowel movements a week, stools that are hard, dry or lumpy, stools that are difficult or painful to pass and a feeling that not all stool has passed.

What Causes Constipation?

There are many causes of constipation, such as lifestyle changes, medical conditions, medications, pregnancy, etc. So common lifestyle causes of this condition are eating low-fiber food, not drinking enough water, not getting enough exercise, changing your regular routine (traveling), and eating large amounts of cheese or milk.

woman in bathroom

When to Call the Doctor?

If you have the following symptoms, you should see the doctor immediately. These are bleeding from your rectum, blood in your stool, inability to pass gas, constant pain in your abdomen, vomiting, fever, losing weight, and lower back pain. Also, if you have a family history of colon or rectal cancer, don’t wait, go to see your doc.

Does Eating Corn Cause Constipation Or Help With It?

This is a bit tricky question. Let’s explain it.

As I mentioned above, low-fiber food can cause constipation. Corn contains dietary fiber and fiber can help with digestion and reduce the risk of constipation. But just in moderate consumption.

But, the presence of fiber that is there in corn, if you take it daily and in large proportion can cause constipation. Avoid large intake of corn and increase water consumption to prevent constipation.

Also, it depends if you are eating whole grain that is loaded with fiber or snacking on refined corn products that actually have no fiber. Refined corn products are high in sugars which isn’t good for your health.

Does Corn Make You Poop?

Well, corn isn’t a laxative or stimulant, but it can sometimes make you poop. So the reason behind that is that corn contains good amounts of dietary fiber that promote digestion.

Another interesting fact is that corn has an outer shell of a compound called cellulose and our bodies don’t contain enzymes that can break it down. This fiber acts like a scrub brush and makes your bowel movement easier. Also, cellulose is the reason why corn comes out of the human body undigested.

eating corn

How Much Corn Should I Be Eating?

One medium ear of corn contains 2.5 grams of fiber and approximately 99 calories. According to American Health Association, an adult should be eating 25 grams of fiber on daily basis. About half of a cup of corn provides you with 4 grams of protein and 2.4 grams of fiber.

This means, that adding half a cup to one cup of corn into your daily diet is a great way to incorporate starch and fiber. In moderation, corn can form a healthful part of most people’s diet.

If you are looking for food to help you poop, make sure you always reach for the whole grain corn products that are loaded with fiber.

Corn Health Benefits

Corn has many health benefits, so you shouldn’t eliminate it from your diet. It is affordable food that represents a source of calories, proteins and carbohydrates. Some corn varieties are rich in antioxidants. This grain contains dietary fiber, it’s gluten-free and high in protein.

corn on plate

Side Effects Of Corn

Here are some of the major corn side effects that you should be aware of – an allergic reaction (because of ingestible protein present in the corn), risk of pellagra (deficiency of niacin), increased blood sugar level,  causes bloating and flatulence, causes indigestion (if you eat too much corn) and it increases weight (contains a lot of sugar and carbohydrate).

How Prepared Can You Eat Corn?

Known as maize, is a starchy vegetable that comes as kernels on a cob, covered by a husk. It’s a very popular vegetable around the globe. You can eat it like:

  • popcorn,
  • on the cob,
  • as yummy niblets.

many corns

Foods That Cause Constipation

Just as there is much food that can help you with constipation, there is some food that makes your constipation even worse.

Therefore, avoid this food and beverages when you struggle with this condition – unripe bananas (while ripe bananas can help relieve constipation), caffeine, gluten, white rice, red meat, white bread, alcohol, chocolate, dairy products and processed food.

dairy products

Foods That Help With Constipation

What to eat to relieve constipation and increase stool frequency. Incorporate this food into your diet to get rid of this unpleasant condition as soon as you can.

Dried plums, known as prunes, are widely used as a natural remedy for constipation. Then you should eat apples, with skin on – they are rich in fiber. Pears are another fruit rich in fiber that can help you relieve constipation.

Furthermore, there are kiwi, figs and citrus fruits, spinach and other greens, artichoke, rhubarb, sweet potato, chia seeds, whole grain rye bread, oat bran, kefir and others.

Many fruits, vegetables and seeds can help relieve constipation, they add bulk and weight to stools and stimulate bowel movement.

vegetables and fruits

Also, it is very, very important to drink plenty of water. As soon as you increase fiber intake, your fluid requirements will increase too. So, don’t forget about drinking water.

Engaging in physical exercise will help you relax your body and keep everything in balance.

To Wrap It Up

Corn is loaded with nutrients that promote overall health. You should be aware of both corn’s health benefits and side effects, especially if you struggle with constipation.

Similar to most foods, corn is neither a cure-all nor poison, so moderate consumption is advised.

As an English major student at the time, Petra was stuck at home with online classes when the lockdown started. Soon enough, Petra discovered a passion for cooking and making pastries to pass the time. She started small with some experimenting and trying out new techniques inspired by French, Italian, and Asian cuisine. Since then, she has become a full-blown “little chef”, making dinner parties for her friends and expanding her knowledge with cooking classes.