How To Make Espresso With A Coffee Machine & Regular Coffee?

Do you love the smell of freshly brewed espresso but you do not own an espresso machine? No need to despair, there is still a way for you to enjoy it with a more common kitchen appliance – a drip coffee maker. Now, based on all you know about espresso you might be wondering how to make espresso with a coffee machine and can you really make a good shot.

While it will not be the most authentic espresso, you can use a drip coffee maker to brew something similar to it. Let us tell you how.

What Is The Difference Between Espresso And Coffee?

The first thing you need to know is that espresso is a type of coffee. However, it is much more concentrated whereas drip coffee is somewhat milder and has a slightly acidic flavor.

Do You Need Special Coffee To Make Espresso?

Espresso is usually made using a dark roast that provides it with its authentic rich flavor. However, when you do not have espresso beans you can use your regular coffee too. You will want to use more of it to achieve a strong flavor and aroma.

Dark Roast Coffee

How Close Can You Get To A Real Espresso?

Well, in case you do not have another option, close enough. Some drip coffee makers offer a “concentrate” brewing method that comes in handy when you want to try and brew espresso.

What Is The Difference Between Espresso And Coffee Machine?

The main difference between the two machines is in their brewing process. An espresso machine uses a high extraction pressure to force the water through the coffee inside the filter basket. During this process, it extracts all the delicious coffee flavors, aromas, and oils from the grounds.

Espresso Machine

On the other hand, a coffee maker relies on gravity to slowly pull water through the coffee grounds. Due to its simpler performance, a regular coffee machine is always a more affordable choice. Although it is not amongst the most common options, you can use it to make something resembling espresso. Keep in mind that you will need to make some modifications during the process to get such an intense and strong flavor as you would when using an espresso machine.

Drip Coffee Machine

There is also an espresso coffee maker combo which is a perfect 2in1 choice for those who love both brewing styles.

Step By Step Recipe & Brewing Process

Here is a detailed recipe with all the ingredients and detailed instructions you should follow:

Avatar photoAuthorPatriciaDifficultyBeginner

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 minsCook Time6 minsTotal Time8 mins

 2 fl oz water
 1 tbsp fine to medium-fine dark roast coffee grounds


Put 1 heaping tablespoon of medium-fine ground coffee into the coffee filter and push it down lightly. Now, this is not really the same as tamping the coffee but it does help to create a bit more pressure during the brewing process.


Add 2 fl oz of warm water into the water reservoir.


At this point, you can start the brewing process. Everything you need to do is press "brew". If your drip machine offers the "Concentrate Brew" setting, opt for it instead.


Enjoy your espresso!


 2 fl oz water
 1 tbsp fine to medium-fine dark roast coffee grounds



Put 1 heaping tablespoon of medium-fine ground coffee into the coffee filter and push it down lightly. Now, this is not really the same as tamping the coffee but it does help to create a bit more pressure during the brewing process.


Add 2 fl oz of warm water into the water reservoir.


At this point, you can start the brewing process. Everything you need to do is press "brew". If your drip machine offers the "Concentrate Brew" setting, opt for it instead.


Enjoy your espresso!

How To Make Espresso In A Drip Coffee Machine

Key Brewing Parameters

Now that you know all about the steps you need to take to make a perfect espresso brew, you need to understand more about the key brewing parameters:

    • amount of water – to get the concentrated flavor of espresso, you want to use less water than you would normally for a drip brew. The best ratio is about 2 fl oz of filtered water per every tablespoon of ground coffee. If you find this to be too weak/strong, adjust the ratio according to your needs and liking.
    • water temperature – a drip coffee machine does not always reach as high a brewing temperature as you need for espresso (around 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit). So, to avoid trouble with the water temperature, you can add warm water into the reservoir. By doing so you can ensure that it gets heated more during the process.
    • grind size – this one is tricky, you do not want coarse coffee grounds as the water will only flow through and you will not get the flavor you want. You do not want a super fine grind either as the coffee will come out bitter. For an espresso machine, you would usually use a fine grind, but, for a drip brewer, a medium-fine is the best option.

Medium Fine Grind Size

  • coffee blend – another thing that affects the flavor and aroma is the coffee blend you use. To get the best results use a bold coffee blend. While dark roast is the most common go-to for espresso, you can try different roasts to ensure that you find the one that works for you.

You Might Be Wondering…

Finally, here is some additional information about the most common questions about espresso and drip coffee:

Is Espresso Just Strong Coffee?

No, espresso is far more than just a strong coffee brew. It has a creamy, rich, and full-bodied flavor with an intense aroma that all espresso aficionados adore.

Is It Stronger Than Regular Coffee?

This depends on how you look at it. Espresso has about 63 mg of caffeine in a single ounce (one espresso shot) whereas regular drip coffee has about 12 to 16 mg of caffeine in an ounce. In this case, espresso is much stronger than coffee. However, as said, espresso is served as a 1-ounce shot whereas regular coffee usually comes in a 6-ounce size. Hence, a single-serve of drip coffee has more caffeine than a single-serve espresso.

What About Its Flavor – Is It Better?

Flavor-wise, espresso has a much bolder and richer flavor. But, whether it is better or not than drip coffee is something you need to decide for yourself. Everyone has their own coffee preferences, so we recommend that you try both and decide for yourself.

Can You Make Espresso Using Instant Coffee?

You can make an espresso using instant coffee. For this, you don’t need anything but a coffee mug, instant coffee, and hot water. You should never add instant coffee into a drip coffee maker as this will only gunk up your machine and you will no longer be able to brew coffee using grounds either.

Using Instant Coffee

Are There Other Brewing Methods You Can Try?

You can not get the authentic espresso brew without an actual espresso machine. However, there are several brewing methods you can try to make a brew with more common kitchen appliances including:

Each of these appliances can come in handy when you simply need a quick caffeine fix.

To Wrap It Up

Now you have it. This is everything we know about brewing espresso using a regular coffee machine. Try the recipe, make sure that you follow the step-by-step instructions, and pay attention to the brewing parameters the most as they determine how good or bad your brew will finally be. If you discover that you are a true espresso lover, consider buying an espresso machine (even a basic one) as it will provide you with much more authentic results.

As a former cook and a pastry chef, Patricia knows how to recognize fresh ingredients and appreciates their quality above all else. Her ideal day is spent at a local farmer’s market looking for the fruits, vegetables, and herbs she can combine and use to make meals for her loved ones. She is also a big coffee enthusiast and enjoys trying out different coffee brews while traveling.