Does Freezing Milk Change The Taste? Here’s What Happens

Will freezing affect the taste of milk? There seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there about whether or not freezing milk will change the taste.

Some people say the milk shouldn’t be frozen because that’s where the watery taste comes from. Is that true or just another myth?

What is The Purpose of Freezing Milk?

Freezing milk, like any other food, is a great way to preserve it and enjoy it later. Freezing food is one of the easiest ways to make the most out of your weekly shop and prevent food wastage.

Freezing is a safe and acceptable way to store milk.

bottle of milk

How Does Freezing Affect Milk?

When milk freezing begins, the water in milk freezes firstly. It get frozen very quickly and then the protein constituents freeze, and lastly, fat content rising to the top.

All these changes happen because of the composition of milk. Water expands when frozen and separates from the fats.

When thawed, the constituents of milk defrost at varying speeds, and no amount of mixing and shaking can reblend them.

Does Freezing Affect The Nutritional Value?

Freezing doesn’t diminish the nutritional value of milk. Changes in nutritional value are negligible. It can even help with the staying power of certain vitamins. That’s why it’s so important to freeze milk as soon as you get it home from the store.

What Does Frozen Milk Taste Like?

The taste of the milk can change after it has been frozen. As I mentioned before, freezing causes certain changes to occur in the milk’s protein and fat content.

Frozen milk tastes like a watered-down version of the milk that you kept in the freezer. Some experts say that freezing milk doesn’t affect the taste, but rather the texture. For some people, the taste of this beverage after freezing might not be as appealing as fresh milk taste.

milk taste

Why Does Milk Turn Yellow When Frozen?

Well, milk is made up of about 95% water and the remaining 5% is made up of fat. So when this dairy drink is frozen, the water content forms into ice crystals and separates from the fat content. The yellowish content is a pure fat that you can see when milk is frozen.

How Long Can you Freeze Milk For?

Milk can be frozen for one month, so it’s a good idea to label it with a date. It can be stored for two or even three months, but it will lose some of its quality.

Tips on How to Freeze Milk

You can simply freeze the milk in the bottle it came in. When freezing milk in your freezer, you want to make sure that it stays fresh as long as possible. Before freezing, there are some things you should be aware of:

  1. You need a proper-sized container and you need some headspace in the container after pouring milk in there. That’s because of milk expansion when it’s in its frozen state. Don’t freeze milk in glass jars, unless you know they are freezer-safe, as non-tempered glass could shatter.
  2. Transfer your milk to freezer bags. If you choose this way, you can separate them into portions that you need. Also, they won’t take up much space in your freezer.
  3. Don’t forget to put labels on the containers.

The best container for freezing milk is the one that has a tight-fitting lid, which comes in different sizes.

Keep an Eye on The Temperature

  • Last but definitely not least, keep your eye on the temperature of your freezer. The Food Standards Agency recommends that frozen food should ideally be kept at or below -18˚C.

How to Thaw Frozen Milk?

When it’s time to use your frozen milk, there are two methods you can choose from. The first method refers to simply transferring the milk to the fridge. This may take a day or two depending on the amount of milk.

The second method is great if you are running low on time and need to defrost milk quickly. It refers to immersion the frozen milk in cold water. Also, you can replace the water every half-hour so that it continues to defrost.

One method that you definitely shouldn’t use is setting frozen milk out on the counter. Since bacteria multiply at room temperature, defrosting frozen milk on the counter makes it unsafe to ingest.

How Long Does Frozen Milk Last After Thawed?

First, it is important to follow the safe ways to thaw frozen milk and save its quality. Milk should be consumed within 2 to 3 days after it has been thawed.

thawed milk

Once frozen milk begins to thaw even slightly and is left at room temperature for more than two hours, it should be thrown out. This is because bacteria could thrive during this time.

Important Note: You can only freeze and defrost milk once (never re-freeze)!

Freezing Oat Milk And Other Dairy-style Product

Can you freezer other dairy-style products? Well, yes, all the above advice applies to non-dairy milk like rice milk, oat milk, as well as dairy double cream.

Can You Drink Frozen And Then Thawed Milk?

As long as the milk has been stored and thawed properly, it’s perfectly safe to drink it. It may undergo some changes in texture that make it unpleasant to use as a beverage, but it’s safe. Frozen and thawed milk is the best for use in smoothies, ice creams, pancakes, baking and cooking.

drinking millk

Freezing Butter?

Of course, you can. There is no need to take it out of the packaging, simply put it into the freezer. If you want to freeze salted butter, you should know that it will keep for six months, whilst unsalted butter will retain its best flavor for up to 1 month.

To Wrap It Up

When freezing milk, expect there will be some changes in its taste and texture, but in most cases, these changes are minimal. If you are going to freeze your milk, make sure to do so properly by following the tips shared in this article.

Ivana is always desirable for adventures so she was working in restaurants on the Croatian coast, participated in Caffe barista tournaments, led a gardening business, and more. She is a healthy food enthusiast, prefers vegetarianism, and practices yoga. In her free time, she likes to study ancient Buddhist scriptures as well as psychology.