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Cortado Recipe

Yields1 Serving


The first thing you want to do is grind your coffee beans. Do this right before you start the brewing process to ensure that your coffee does not go stale.


Add the grounds to the portafilter and tamp them down. This is to ensure the maximum contact between water and coffee.


Prepare your glass. Warm it up by pouring some hot water into it. A Gibraltar glass is the best for a Cortado.


Now, make a single or a double shot of espresso – depending on how big of a Cortado you want to make. Place the filter basket into its position and turn the handle counterclockwise to lock it in its position. Dispose of the water in the glass and place it beneath the spout. Once you have everything in position, turn the machine on.


As your coffee is dripping out, steam the milk using the steam wand. Add about a third of milk to your frothing pitcher and insert the steamer into the center. Submerge it down into the milk and keep it that way until you notice that the pitcher is getting warm to the touch.


Pour the steamed milk into the glass with espresso in a 1:1 ratio. That is it. Once you complete all these steps, serve cortado immediately while it is still hot.